Still makes me laugh
Stories by Melissa Whitman
Story #1
Went to visit my grandparents one day.
Me: I wanted to tell you guys I'm knocked up.
G'ma: what, you're going to have a baby?
Me: yep, in June!
2 weeks later I'm hanging with G'pa while my G'ma attends her daughter-in-laws funeral.
G'pa: Hey you know that girl that lives down by the Lake? She's a real cute girl. Comes over quite a bit to visit.
Me: uh, no?
G'pa: She has a couple of kids, was married to a guy and it didn't work out, now she's married to another guy. She lives down by the lake just down the road.
Me: No G'pa I don't know who you're talking about.
G'pa: well she came over the other day and told me she was knocked up! (he says all surprised).
Me: G'pa- That was me, I'm knocked up!
G'pa: WHAT, it was YOU! You're knocked up!
Me: yes g'pa, I told you that the other day.
Still makes me laugh!
Story #2:
Talking with my g'parents about my g'pa's brother Len's wife. He was newly remarried after the passing of his first wife.
My g'pa says all excited: Guess what, I'm not the oldest one in the family now!
Me: What do you mean?
G'pa: Len's wife is older than me!
Me: Oh really? How old is she?
G'pa: Well she must be about 64, 65 right Flo (asking my g'ma).
G'ma: Well you're 78
G'pa: I'M WHAT! (slams the counter with his hand and turns his head towards my g'ma so fast his neck could've broke). I just started laughing out loud remembering this.
Most days were not funny, but when they were, they were.
One of the greatest men I've ever had the privilege of knowing. He was elected Kootenai County Fire Dept Commissioner and served for 32 years. The fire department was a big piece of his heart. He accomplished so many great things in his life and was always there to give us grandkids any words of wisdom he could. He loved going for drives, especially around the lake. We went out often for dates together for pie and coffee. He spent many hours watching old western movies over and over.
He always he said how lucky he had been to have had two amazing wives. After the passing of his second wife he continuously would look for her in the house and call for her. I would say he had a very blessed life, and even though the end isn't how he would've wanted it, having dementia and not knowing what is going on most the time, I am grateful that I and my sister got to be there for all the good and bad moments. They will be our forever memories.